KS4 J277 9-1 OCR Computer Science

OCR 9-1 Computer Science is made up of two exams:

J277/01: Computer systems 

Written paper: 1 hour and 30 minutes 50% of total GCSE 80 marks

Topics include: 

J277/02: Computational thinking, algorithms and programming 

Written paper: 1 hour and 30 minutes 50% of total GCSE 80 marks

Topics include: 

Revision videos

Here you can find J277 OCR Computer Science revision videos. Units are organised as per the 9-1 GCSE Computer Science Specification (2022 latest version). Navigation per exam paper can be found at the top of the page, or by clicking here:

J277/01: Computer systems

J277/02: Computational thinking, algorithms and programming