KS4 J277 9-1 OCR Computer Science
OCR 9-1 Computer Science is made up of two exams:
J277/01: Computer systems
Written paper: 1 hour and 30 minutes 50% of total GCSE 80 marks
Topics include:
1.1 Systems architecture
1.2 Memory and storage
1.3 Computer networks, connections and protocols
1.4 Network security
1.5 Systems software
1.6 Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology
J277/02: Computational thinking, algorithms and programming
Written paper: 1 hour and 30 minutes 50% of total GCSE 80 marks
Topics include:
2.1 Algorithms
2.2 Programming fundamentals
2.3 Producing robust programs
2.4 Boolean logic
2.5 Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments
Revision videos
Here you can find J277 OCR Computer Science revision videos. Units are organised as per the 9-1 GCSE Computer Science Specification (2022 latest version). Navigation per exam paper can be found at the top of the page, or by clicking here: